Are you in a stable on your feet? Check it out, stand on one foot and lift a 3 pound weight in one hand – now do it on an unstable surface. It’s harder than it seems. This work is for dizziness, instability, vestibular dysfunction, or recovery of stroke or partial paralysis. EVERYONE CAN BENEFIT FROM THIS ACTIVITY! Whether you are a circus performer (acrobats and tight-rope walkers), someone with known neurological compromises (Dr. Dorrin and Dr. Bob), or a world-class athlete (yoga performer or dance instructor), you can benefit from these balance exercises.

Practice standing still on uneven surface, balancing on one foot, lifting a few pound weight, or resting with the eyes closed; these activities can all improve the posture one views as normal. A little bit of repetition, and the body incorporates these changes into a permanent framework of stability. Within a few weeks, one can go from a klutz to a model of stability. Or a person can go take the next step in their athletic training. It’s simply a matter of the proper training.

The point of this work is it improves anyone’s (and everyone’s) ability to both maintain and recover an upright posture under varying environmental conditions. Both Doctors here have found the ability to change their relationship to the world. And we can help you do the same.

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Mobilization Of Joints

It is important to remember that in 3 days the body (or a joint) forgets what is normal. If part of the body is in a cast or you are too sick to move for a few days, the body part must be retrained to work normally (and efficiently). That is easy to forget when you are dealing with major trauma or other issue. We want the body to remember how to do basic tasks to keep it working optimally. Gentle mobilization is a good reminder to the body of what normal is.


We offer body work and specific trigger point action to loosen the muscles and increase the blood and nutrient flow into specific areas. Most of us have experienced some trauma, and we often simply except a baseline level of pain, with which we learn to live. THAT IS UNNECESSARY, and we can work with the body to release those old bad habits and create new healthy ones. Working with the joints and muscles of the body, we can cause it to release bad habits and toxic influences. Then, and only then, can we remember how to relax, breathe deeply, and work more efficiently in all that we do.

Specific Trigger Point Work – PSOAS

One area that is crucial to the function of the low back is the abdominal muscles found in the anterior pelvic bowl (from the lumbar vertebrae to the femur on each side – where the model is placing her left hand). These psoas muscles are responsible for flexing the trunk. This work is very painful, but the payoff in terms of reduced back pain makes it very worthwhile.

Trigger Point Work – Rotator Cuff

This is another area which is crucial to body mechanics. These muscles are found under and around the shoulder blade and are used in most shoulder and arm movements. These muscles are often overused (or used incorrectly due to previous trauma); and manual work can break up tight spots and improve the function of the upper body.